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Preparing Your Case for Mediation in Orlando, Florida

How do you prepare your case for mediation in the Orlando, Florida area? You need to make sure that you and your spouse have completed the appropriate financial affidavit in your case. If you make less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), then you must fill out the short form financial affidavit. If you make fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or more, then you must fill out a long form financial affidavit. Also, make sure that you have provided all financial disclosure in compliance with the Certificate of Compliance with Mandatory Disclosure. Make sure that there is nothing missing from the certificate of compliance with mandatory disclosure; and that all the documents have been produced.

If you do not know all the assets and debts of both spouses, then you cannot have a meaningful mediation. Also, make sure that all the nonmarital assets and debts have been disclosed; and that all documentation of proof that the asset or debt are nonmarital have been produced.

How can you intelligently and properly equitably divide all your assets and debts if you do not know all of the assets and debts you have.

If you are unsure whether all debts are included, you should each run a credit report on yourself and provide it to each other spouse. That will help you with in making sure that you have total and complete picture of your credit card debt.

Prior to mediation., you should have had appraisals on houses and businesses evaluations completed. That way you know the value of those assets.

You should also have appraisals on any person property that is valuable. However, most personal property is worth what you would receive at a garage sale, unless you have collectibles.

You should have prepared an equitable distribution chart that includes all your assets and debts. You should have a very good idea as to what assets and debts you want to take.

You should also have spoken to a financial planner and CPA regarding which assets and debts are best for you to receive and the tax ramifications of receiving such assets and debts.

If you have further questions regarding Orlando Mediation, you may call Ann Marie Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. at 407-732-7620 and set an initial consultation.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney client privilege.

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