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Senator Jeff Brandes Files Bill On Parenting Time Plans

What does the bill in the legislature on Parenting Time Plans means if it passes? How would it affect an Orlando, Florida paternity case?  How would it save the parents time and money?  The answers to these questions are addressed in the BLOG below.

The bill currently in the legislature is sponsored by Senator Jeff Brandes. It is SB 590. The bill is introducing an optional default time plan to provide unmarried parents a standard visitation schedule. If adopted, this plan would encourage contact between non-custodial parents and their children. http://bit.ly/2k2Euxi

So, what does that mean in plain English?

Currently, in an Orlando, Florida area Department of Revenue Case for child support, the Mother has sole custody of the child. In that type of case the hearing officer just determines paternity and how much child support the Father pays. At that point, the father is responsible for child support; but has no visitation rights. In order for the father to have visitation rights, he must file a separate case in circuit court; and Establish Paternity, Co-parenting, Time Sharing and Child Support under one case.

However, if the bill passes, in a Department of Revenue Case in the Orlando, Florida area, a Hearing officer would not only determine paternity and child support, but would put in place a default visitation schedule. That means that the father would get to have court ordered visitation without having to file a completely different case and go before the judge in a separate circuit court case to obtain visitation rights.

The parties would:

  1. Accept the plan as stated;
  2. Deviate and agree on another plan; or
  3. Transfer to the court system to mediate. 


The bill provides for exceptions to the plan when:

  1. Child is under 3 years of age;
  2. Parties live more than 100 miles away; or
  3. There are domestic violence concerns. 


We will have to wait and see if the bill passes and becomes law. I will keep posting updates on
Annmarie Giordano Gilden, P. A. on Face Book; and on Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, PA website.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney client privilege.

If you have more questions regarding Orlando paternity, time sharing, co-parenting, or child support you may contact Ann Marie Gilden of Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, PA at 407-732-7620 to set an initial consultation regarding further questions on these issues.

Click here to see the press release.

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