Social Media Apps that Can Assist a Caregiver in the Orlando, Florida Area
- September 2, 2020
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Here are some apps that may assist you if you are the caregiver of a loved one, relative, or family member in the Orlando, Florida area:
BSafe. This app is a Voice activated SOS system. It sends will send the location of a loved one that you are caring for to selected contacts. It will automatically stream and record emergency video. It features a built-in siren. You should research and read more about this app to see if it would be helpful in your situation.
Medisafe Medication Reminder. This app allows you to get reminders on your phone for when to take your medication or supplements and when your supplies are running low. Caregivers get real-time missed medication alerts. The app also warns of potentially dangerous drug interaction. You may want to research this app and see if it can aid you.
ICE Medical Standard. This app is like a medical alert bracelet on your smartphone’s lock screen display. It informs first responders of your conditions, allergies, medications and emergency medical
contact information. This is another app after research, you may find useful.
Noonlight. This app silently calls for help to your exact location with the tap of a button. A trained operator at Noonlight’s monitoring center will text and call you to verify the alarm. If you cannot talk or do not respond, the app sends 911 an alert including GPS location, profile information, and even a picture of you. This is another app you may want to research to see if it can help you.
Snug Safety. This app is made for people who live alone. This app checks on you at a time of day you select. You press a green check mark on the app and receive a quote of the day. If you fail to check in, your emergency contacts are notified. This is another app that may be applicable to assist you or an elderly loved one. You can research it and see if it may help you.
Hope one of these will assist you or an elderly loved one. You can check them out and see if they are worth downloading.
If you have more questions regarding a Marital and Family Law matter, you may call Ann Marie Giordano Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. at 407-732-7620 and set an initial consultation. You may also visit my website at: https//:www.AnnMarieGildenLaw.com; and check me out on these other sites: Ann Marie Giordano Gilden on Face Book; Ann Marie (Giordano) Gilden on Linked In; and Ann Marie Giordano Gilden on AVVO and Lawyers.com.
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