Is this New Medication Good News for People Who Suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease?
- June 8, 2021
- ontarget
- Guardianship
- Alzheimer's, health
The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article on a new Alzheimer’s drug on June 7, 2021. The article, written by Joseph Walker, stated that the FDA approved a new Alzheimer’s drug. The author states that this was the first time in twenty (20) years that the FDA approved a new Alzheimer’s drug.
A Promising Treatment Option
What does this drug do? If you are a caregiver or guardian of the person, should you ask the Ward’s doctor if this new medicine can help the Ward? Should you check this medicine out if you have a relative or loved one in the early stages of Alzheimer’s? Walker’s article states that the Biogen drug was approved after facing doubt as to whether it slowed the progression of the memory-robbing disease.
The new drug, Aduhelm, is for the early progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. In approving the drug, the FDA acknowledged the controversy and different perspectives surrounding this drug. The FDA also said that data supporting the drug’s approval was complex and left residual uncertainties about the drug’s benefits. This was discussed in Dr. Deepak Ramanathan and Sony Salzman’s ABC News article on June 7, 2021. In that article, Dr. Babak Tousi of a Cleveland clinic, who led the multi-site clinical trials, said this was the first time in two decades that we have a new Alzheimer’s medication.
More Research Needed
The FDA said Biogen, the company that makes Aduhelm, must conduct a new bigger clinical trial and that they reserve the right to rescind their approval. This drug is the first drug to slow down disease progression. Walker’s article states that this is a promising new treatment option to manage a debilitating disease for which there are few options. The article also states that over five (5) million Americans have Alzheimer’s Disease, a number that is expected to double by 2050. As a caregiver and guardian, it is now your decision whether to research and check out this new drug and contact their doctor to see if it can assist your relative, friend, or loved one.
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