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Monthly Archives: May 27, 2022

What Is an Ancillary Estate in the Orlando, Florida Area?

An ancillary estate in the Orlando, Florida area is an estate wherein a nonresident of the State of Florida dies, leaving assets in the state, credits due from residents in the state, or liens on property in the State of Florida. 

How an Ancillary Estat...

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coffin and flowers

What Happens When the Ward Dies in an Orlando Area Guardianship Case?

What happens when a ward dies in an Orlando, Florida area Guardianship case? First, you must file a death certificate without the cause of death with the court. Once that is done, you can submit an order to the court to discharge the Guardian of the Person. Terminatio...

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What is a Guardian Ad Litem in an Orlando, Florida Divorce and Custody Case?

What is a Guardian Ad Litem in an Orlando, Florida divorce and/or custody case? How is a Guardian Ad Litem used? How do you obtain a Guardian Ad Litem? Why would a Guardian Ad Litem be necessary in your specific case? 

Purpose of a Guardian Ad Litem...

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What Is Reunification Therapy in an Orlando, Florida Divorce and Custody Case?

There are several situations in which reunification therapy, which is meant to reunite parents and children, may be necessary. If you are in a divorce and custody case wherein the other spouse is alienating your children from you, your children refuse to timeshare wit...

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What Does a Collaborative Divorce Entail?

You have decided that you want to do your divorce through the Collaborative Process. You have heard that you and your spouse will each have your own collaborative attorney and that there will be a financial neutral and a mental health neutral. However, you’re still wo...

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man and woman upset back to back

Things to Consider Before You File for Divorce in the Orlando, Florida Area

You are contemplating Dissolution of Marriage in the Orlando, Florida Area. What should you know? What are your options? Do you plan to separate? Do you want to obtain a legal separation agreement? Have you already been to counseling; and are ready to file for divorce...

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What Happens at an Incapacity and Guardianship Hearing in the Orlando, Florida Area?

At an Incapacity and Guardianship Hearing, the Judge determines if the Alleged Incapacitated Person has capacity, limited capacity, or no capacity. The Judge then decides if there are less restrictive alternatives to a Guardianship, such as a Power of Attorney, Trust,...

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