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What Is Reunification Therapy in an Orlando, Florida Divorce and Custody Case?

There are several situations in which reunification therapy, which is meant to reunite parents and children, may be necessary. If you are in a divorce and custody case wherein the other spouse is alienating your children from you, your children refuse to timeshare with you, you have been estranged from children due to mental illness, substance abuse, or alcoholic abuse, abandonment, abuse, or neglect, then reunification therapy may benefit you in reestablishing a loving relationship with your children and a parent-child bond. You would petition the court for a reunification specialist, or the other party may petition the court to make reunification part of your time sharing plan. 

You may want to ask the following questions before proceeding with reunification therapy:

  • What is reunification therapy in a divorce and/or custody case? 
  • How is reunification therapy used? 
  • How do you obtain a reunification specialist? 
  • Why would a reunification specialist be necessary? 

What a Reunification Specialist Does

A reunification specialist is a psychologist or mental health counselor. They will start by reviewing the court’s order and speaking to the parties for background. They will speak individually with each parent and each child. They will also speak to the children’s individual counselors, only if they have their own counselors and the parties agree or the judge rules that the reunification specialist is permitted to speak to the child’s therapist. They will speak to a parent’s therapist and/or alcohol or drug evaluator after the parent signs a release or the court orders the information released. They will obtain the background and history of the parties in the case. 

How Reunification Therapy Works

The reunification therapy may occur in person or virtually depending on what the reunification specialist thinks is best suited for the parties. The goal of reunification therapy is to get the parties to a point where they reintegrate unsupervised time sharing on a regular basis. This may take longer in some cases than in other cases. It will depend on the severity of the separation and the reestablishment of the acquaintance of parent to child. It will depend on the comfort level of the parties and whether the reunification specialist thinks it is in the best interest of the child to have more frequent contact with the parent and the parameters of the contact. 

If you have more questions regarding a Marital and Family Law matter, you may call Ann Marie Giordano Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. at 407-732-7620 and set an initial consultation

This article is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney client privilege. 

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