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Seven Behavioral Health Tips for Older Adults in the Orlando, Florida Area

In the Orlando Sentinel Special Edition, there was an interesting article regarding behavioral health tips for older adults. Older adults experiencing a behavioral health issue, such as anxiety or depression, may be embarrassed and think they can simply pull themselves up by their bootstraps. However, helping them seek help can empower them to live their best lives, according to experts. Everyone is different, but there are tools that everyone can look into for better health, including therapy, medication, and self-care.

Behavioral health issues affect one in every five adults over 55. Older men have the highest suicide rate of any group or gender. Among men who are 75 and older, the suicide rate is 40.2 per 100,000, almost triple the the overall rate.

The most common behavioral health disorder in older adults is dementia, and its incidence is growing as the Baby Boomer generation ages. Experts project that more than 9 million Americans 65 years and older will have dementia by 2030. Anxiety disorders and mood disorders are also common among older people.

When dealing with a behavioral health issue, these self-care tips can help:

  1. Find a provider. Cognitive disorders, such as dementia and mood disorders, often look the same. Only a trained professional can make an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Nurture yourself. Good nutrition feeds the body and mind.
  3. Sleep well. Like all adults, older people need seven to nine hours of sleep nightly.
  4. Exercise. Even moderate exercise can improve mental and physical health.
  5. Head outside. Being outside has numerous benefits, including Vitamin D absorption needed for cognitive health.
  6. Parent a pet. Caring for a pet generates positive emotions and can reduce anxiety.

Behavioral health issues can be complex and confusing to navigate, but taking positive actions can be empowering. Dr. Evans-Mitchell said in the article, “It’s never too late to make a new start.”

If you have more questions regarding an Elder Law matter, you may call Ann Marie Giordano Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. at 407-732-7620 and set an initial consultation

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