Easter and Holiday Timesharing in the Orlando Florida Area
- March 28, 2024
- ontarget
- Custody
Easter is fast approaching. You are coloring eggs, filling Easter baskets, and attending Easter egg hunts. Holidays are always busy and can be a stressful time, even for people who love the holidays. The last thing you need at this time of year is more stress.
If you are contemplating a divorce at this time of year, or are already in the process of a divorce, then you have stress from that. You are probably facing extra financial strains from attorney’s billings, paying alimony, paying child support, and having one income instead of two. Your life is currently in flux. Again, you do not need extra stress at this time of the year.
If you are a divorcing spouse, to help you alleviate some of the stress during this time of the year at the Easter holiday, you need to make sure that you have the Easter holiday schedule worked out and confirmed in advance. You do not need last-minute changes to disrupt your holiday plans. You need to confirm and reconfirm the holiday schedule. Make sure you know when the exchange will occur, where the exchange will occur, what time the exchange will occur, and the same for the return of the children. It sounds simple. However, many divorcing couples spend lots of time going back and forth on these issues; and some have their attorneys involved. That kind of acrimony is extremely costly. It takes a toll on the parties involved. Be smart! Plan in advance!
Do not wait until the last minute and think that you or your attorney can go into court right before the holiday and solve your problem. That will not happen. It takes several weeks or months to obtain hearing time in the Orlando, Florida area courts.
It is always best to get a court order on a temporary basis for timesharing during the pendency of the divorce. That way you have set timesharing rules to abide by in the case. You should include a holiday schedule in that time sharing schedule too. That way you do not face acrimony over who has time-sharing with the children and when on the holiday. Making plans in advance that can be executed during the holiday can save you unnecessary stress and money.
Have a Happy Easter!
If you have more questions regarding a Marital and Family Law matter, you may call Ann Marie Giordano Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. on 407-732-7620 and arrange an initial consultation. You may also visit my website at: https://www.annmariegildenlaw.com
This article is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney client privilege.