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Monthly Archives: February 27, 2025

The Mental Health Impact of a Divorce in the Orlando or the Lake Mary, Florida Area

Many times, you hear about the fiscal impact of a divorce. You hear that you will have half of what you had before the divorce. You hear that, financially, things will probably be more difficult after the divorce because now there is one income, whereas before, there may hav...

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A Lucid Moment in an Orlando or Lake Mary, Florida Will Contest

The substantive evidentiary burden for testamentary capacity at trial is significant for invalidating a will because the burden of invalidating a will is due to a lack of testamentary capacity. This is a heavy burden. 


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Dealing with a High Net Worth Divorce in Orlando or Lake Mary, Florida Area

You are divorcing in the Orlando or Lake Mary, Florida area. You have a high net worth. You have a multimillion-dollar marital estate to divide. You may own businesses, multiple real properties, trusts, retirement accounts, stock options, pensions, etc. These divorces can ha...

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What is Needed to Obtain a Stalking Injunction in the Orlando and Lake Mary Areas?

Someone is following or harassing you. You may think they are stalking you. You want to know whether you should go to the courthouse in the county where you live and file an Injunction for Stalking. You wonder if you have the evidence to obtain a Stalking Injunction. What do...

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More News on Alimony

In Florida Law Weekly, Volume 50, Number 4, January 31, 2025, page 228, Woodard v Woodard, the Second District Court of Appeal discussed Alimony and the elimination of Permanent Alimony.  In this case, the court found that the elimination of permanent alimony from secti...

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What to Do With the Marital Residence in an Orlando or Lake Mary, Florida Divorce 

You are divorcing in the Orlando or Lake Mary, Florida Area. You have a marital house. It is your largest asset by far in the equitable dissolution pot to be divided. What will you do with that asset? If the property is titled as husband and wife, then it is a tenant in the ...

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A Quick Simplified Uncontested Divorce in the Orlando, Florida or Lake Mary, Florida Area 

Many people say they just want to be done with their marriage and get it over with regard to a pending divorce. This may be a practical solution in some situations. You can do an Uncontested Divorce or Simplified Divorce. This is the easiest process for a divorce. However, c...

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Save Yourself the Aggravation,Frustration, and Expense of Litigation with a Collaborative Divorce

Litigation can be aggravating and frustrating. On top of that, it is costly. Do you want to go through all that when you can do your divorce by the Collaborative Process? 

Yes, your spouse must consent to the Collabor...

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