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Important Things You May Not Think About During a Divorce in Lake Mary, Florida or Orlando, Florida

You are filing for dissolution of marriage, also referred to as divorce, in the Lake Mary, Florida or Orlando, Florida area. You have heard a lot about or read many articles or blogs about divorce. You have read the laws on divorce, such as the following: Florida Statute 61.075 on Equitable Distribution, Florida Statute 61.08 on Alimony, Florida Statute 61.16 on Attorney’s Fees, Florida Statute 61.13 on Custody, and Florida Statute 61.30 on Child Support. 

You have read that you need to file a parenting plan, you need to take a parenting class and file a child support guideline worksheet if you have children. You have read that the Florida Supreme Court divorce forms can be obtained on the Florida Supreme Court website under forms>domestic forms. You know you can file for divorce yourself or you can hire an attorney. 

However, have you thought about the practicalities and pragmatic realities of divorce? 


What is going to happen to your house? Are you going to sell it and split the profits? Is one spouse going to buy the other spouse out? Can that spouse afford to refinance the mortgage in their name only? Will the bank allow one spouse to assume the mortgage and remove the other’s spouse name from the mortgage? If you are going to sell the house, how will you determine the selling price? Will you get an appraisal or will you use comparable houses in the neighborhood? Who will be the real estate agent? What will be the parameters of selling the house? 


If you are dividing retirement accounts, is a QDRO necessary? Will you get a form from the Plan administrator, or will you hire an attorney to prepare a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)? Have you spoken to a financial planner and CPA regarding the tax ramifications of and from the divorce? How are the cars titled? Will you need to remove a spouse’s name from the car title after the divorce? 


If your spouse was providing health insurance, did you line up health insurance to begin immediately after the final judgment of divorce is entered? Can you afford health insurance? If you are receiving alimony, does your spouse have life insurance with you designated as beneficiary to cover the amount of the alimony? Will you be provided documentation yearly to show you are still the beneficiary and the life insurance is paid to date?  Is there a clause with statutory language that the spouse will resign the life insurance policy and reaffirm you are the  beneficiary after the divorce?

Other Things to Consider

Will you keep your current name or will you return to your maiden name? Do you have money to live on during the divorce, or will you need to seek temporary alimony and temporary attorney’s fees? These are questions to ponder. 

If you have more questions regarding a Marital and Family Law matter, you may call Ann Marie Giordano Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. at 407-732-7620 and set an initial consultation. You may also visit my website at: https://www.annmariegildenlaw.com 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney client privilege. 

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