
ABCs and 123s of High Net Worth Divorce in Lake Mary, Florida and Orlando, Florida Area

In a High Net Worth Divorce, it is important to have a team working with your attorney. You will probably want to hire your own financial expert. They can help you if your spouse is requesting alimony. They can also discuss the tax ramifications of t...

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What is the Interstate Compact on Placement of Children?

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) as enacted by the Florida Legislature is in section 409.401, Florida Statutes (2024). The ICPC allows a Florida court to place a child with a parent or relative, after a home study of that in...

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The Florida Probate Rules Amendment

In 50 Florida Weekly 33, Florida Supreme Court, February 27, 2025, IN RE: AMENDMENTS TO FLORIDA PROBATE RULES, the probate rules were amended. It came before the Court for consideration regarding proposed amendments to Florida Probate Rules 5.240 (No...

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The Workings and Procedure of a Collaborative Divorce Case in Lake Mary, Florida

What is a Collaborative Divorce, and what are the workings and procedures of a collaborative divorce case? A Collaborative Divorce case is a divorce case wherein you do not go to court. You agree to do the case through the collaborative process. Both...

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The Mental Health Impact of a Divorce in the Orlando or the Lake Mary, Florida Area

Many times, you hear about the fiscal impact of a divorce. You hear that you will have half of what you had before the divorce. You hear that, financially, things will probably be more difficult after the divorce because now there is one income, wher...

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Estate PlanningProbate

A Lucid Moment in an Orlando or Lake Mary, Florida Will Contest

The substantive evidentiary burden for testamentary capacity at trial is significant for invalidating a will because the burden of invalidating a will is due to a lack of testamentary capacity. This is a heavy burden.  Florida courts recognize a...

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