
Pitfalls to Avoid During a High Net Worth Divorce in the Orlando, Florida Area 

There are many things to avoid during a high asset divorce. How can you plan to circumvent problems that could potentially arise? Make sure that you know of all the assets in the case, or hire an expert to help you locate all the assets of the case. ...

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Elder LawGuardianship

Signs to Watch for Regarding Incapacity of a Loved One or Friend in the Orlando, Florida Area

There was an interesting article in the Orlando Sentinel/Sunday August 7, 2022 titled “Aging parents: 8 warning signs of health problems” by Mayo Clinic News Network Tribune News Service. The article poses this question: as your parents get older, ho...

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Relocation by a Parent with the Children in the Orlando, Florida Area

The right of a parent to procreate and make decisions regarding, care, custody, and control of his or her natural child is among the most constitutionally recognized liberty interests. These constitutional rights are recognized by the Florida Constit...

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DivorceFamily Law

Alimony in the Orlando, Florida Area

Alimony, also called spousal support, is governed by Florida Statute 61.08. There are different forms of alimony in the Orlando, Florida area: Temporary Alimony, Permanent Alimony, Rehabilitative Alimony, Durational Alimony, Bridge the Gap Alimony, a...

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How the Five Stages of Grief Interplay with a Divorce Case in the Orlando, Florida Area

Many people facing a divorce in the Orlando, Florida area are upset, confused, and frustrated about their predicament of having to face divorce. Many people do not want a divorce. However, their spouse wants a divorce, which means it has to happen. S...

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DivorceElder Law

What to Look Out for If You are Older and in a Divorce in Orlando, Florida

Someone who is older and divorces may face issues that a younger person divorcing does not have to face. What are the significances of divorcing later in life? Depleted Accounts First, the retirement accounts you have contributed to for years could b...

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