
The Financial Realities of an Orlando, Florida Divorce

Here are the financial realities of an Orlando, Florida area dissolution of marriage. Both the Husband and the Wife will have less monies to live on and to pay expenses. This is because before the divorce you had two income. After the divorce, you ea...

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What is the Procedure to Obtain A Guardianship in Orlando, Florida?

You must hire a guardianship attorney to petition the court to have the individual that you think is incompetent to be declared incapacitated. The attorney will file a Petition for Plenary Guardianship and a Petition for Incapacity. Prior to doing th...

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How do the 2018 Changes to Florida’s Gun Laws Impact the Mentally Ill and Incapacitated in Orlando, Florida?

In March 2018, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Safety Act Passed. This act affected Florida Statute 790. This law’s goal was to keep firearms from people who were mentally ill. The law does the following: 1. Bans bump fire sticks; 2. Increases the legal...

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Why Collaborative Divorce in Orlando, Florida?

You are getting a divorce? Why would you choose a collaborative divorce versus going through the court system? A COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE IS A KINDER, GENTLER, and FRIENDLIER DIVORCE. In a collaborative divorce you and your spouse control the outcome of...

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Will Your Prenup Hold up in an Orlando, Florida Court?

How can you make sure that your prenuptial agreement holds up in an Orlando, Florida Court? There are certain things that you can do to help your case if your prenuptial agreement is ever challenged in court. Here are a few of the major things you ca...

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Family Law

Are You Being Stalked in Orlando, Florida?

What is stalking? Florida Statutes 784.048(2) states that Stalking occurs when a person willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person.  To harass means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific ...

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