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Who Can Adopt Whom in the Orlando, Florida Area?

Adoption is a wonderful thing. It is an incredibly happy event. It is the one time that everyone in the courtroom is smiling. Everyone loves an adoption. So, who can adopt whom in the Orlando, Florida area? 

Adopting a Newborn

In one type of adoption, the parents go through an adoption agency and adopt a newborn baby. This type of adoption requires a home study. Further, if the biological parents do not consent to adoption, their parental rights must be terminated before the adoption can take place. There are attorneys who do these types of adoptions. These adoptions are more complicated than a stepparent adoption, adult adoption, DCFS adoption, or relative adoption. These adoptions are also more expensive than the other kinds.

Adopting an Adult

Another type of adoption is the adult adoption. In an adult adoption, one adult adopts another adult. You do not need the consent of the parents of the adult being adopted to adopt them. However, if the adult being adopted is married, you need their spouse’s consent. In most of the adult adoptions that I have seen, a stepparent adopts an adult stepchild who they have raised as their own. The parent wants to legally cement the adult child and parent bond. They also want their adult stepchild to be able to inherit from them and have all the rights of a legal heir. 

Stepparent Adoption

There are also stepparent adoptions, where the stepparent adopts their minor stepchild. In this scenario, you must have the consent of the biological parents or show that they have abandoned the child or have not had substantial meaningful contact with the child. In this scenario the stepparent has raised the child as their own and wants to legalize the loving bond they have with them. Often, the family wants that child to have the same last name as the other family members too. They also want the child to be their legal heir. 

In many cases, the biological parent may not have had substantial contact with their child or seen the child for several years. Further, there is a financial incentive for the biological parent in this scenario to consent to adoption; when the stepparent adopts the child, the biological parent is no longer obligated to pay child support. The stepparent who adopts the child is financially responsible for the child until they reach eighteen years of age. 

DCFS Adoption

In a DCFS adoption, DCFS has already terminated the child parental rights of the parents, and the minor child is now available to be adopted. DCFS will conduct a home study. Often, the person adopting is a relative or foster parent that has cared for the child when they were removed from their parents. DCFS pays an approved DCFS adoption attorney to do the adoption. Usually there is an adoption stipend for this type of adoption. This is a great event because a child who has not had a great life can find a wonderful forever home. 

If you have more questions regarding a Marital and Family Law matter, you may call Ann Marie Giordano Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. at 407-732-7620 and set an initial consultation

This article is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney client privilege. 

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