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Are Political Differences in a Marriage Leading to Divorce in the Orlando, Florida Area?

There was a thought provoking article on FamilyLawyerMagazine.com titled “Are Political Differences Driving Divorce?” by Gray Robinson. 

In the article, Robinson discusses what he says are the three main reasons that people get divorced:

  1. Broken promises or agreements by one of the partners.
  2. Infidelity or discovery of hidden facts about the other spouse. 
  3. Abuse by one spouse on the other, either physical or mental abuse. 

However, the author does not discuss that there are many other main reasons for  divorce. These other reasons include financial issues, such as excessive spending by one spouse which is depleting the family’s assets. 

Further, people often divorce because of the addictions of one of the spouses. That spouse may refuse to get treatment. They may also refuse to take their prescribed medicine. Some may refuse to take their medication and not receive treatment. This often happens in instances of substance and/or alcohol abuse. Some spouses also pursue divorce because one of the spouses suffers from mental illness. Again, the other spouse may refuse to take their medication and/or get psychiatric and or psychological treatment. 

However, thus far in my 35- year career, I have never personally seen or heard that spouses were divorcing due to political disagreement. However, there can always be a first time. Yet, to date, I have not seen it. 

The opportunity to agree to disagree is becoming extinct. However, is it really worth wrecking, ruining, and terminating a marriage for politics? It would be interesting to see how many of the couples that ended their marriages due to political differences went to marriage counseling prior to initiating the dissolution of marriage process. Could counseling have helped such a couple? 

Further, wouldn’t you already know your future spouse’s political views by the time you married them? If you knew your spouse’s political views prior to marriage, would that have prevented marriage in the first place? Could this have prevented divorce for that reason? 

If you have more questions regarding a Marital and Family Law matter, you may call Ann Marie Giordano Gilden at Ann Marie Giordano Gilden, P.A. at 407-732-7620 and set an initial consultation

This article is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney client privilege. 

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