Questions to Ask Before You Tie the Knot
You are getting married. These are questions you should ask before you tie the knot: How are we going to maintain our bank accounts? Are we going to share all our monies? Do I have assets that I want to keep for myself? Do I have real property that...
Read MoreSummer Vacation Advice for Divorced Parents
Summer is here. Do you have your vacation all arranged? Are you lined up to go on vacation with your child or children? Does your former spouse have their vacation arranged? Are they all lined up to go on vacation with your child or children? If you ...
Read MoreTaxes and Divorce: What to Know
The first thing a good attorney will tell you regarding taxes and divorce is to consult with a Certified Public Accountant “CPA”. You may already have a CPA you can discuss your divorce with to find out how to maximize your financial situation during...
Read MoreCustody, Is the Playing Field Level?
Many times I am asked by fathers if they have as much chance as the mother at getting Orlando custody. The answer is yes. There is no longer a tender years’ doctrine in Florida wherein the court favored the mother over the father for young children. ...
Read MoreOrlando Divorce Don’ts
Nowadays, a person’s digital footprint appears everywhere. Therefore, while you are in the middle of an Orlando divorce case, it is a smart idea to button your lip and refrain from nasty rants on social media. Even if you have unfriended your spouse’...
Read MoreWhat is Sole Custody
Sole custody is where one parent has custody of the child and has the ultimate decision making regarding all aspects of the child’s life. Sole custody differs from Shared custody in that in shared custody both parents make decisions regarding t...
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