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What Can I Obtain From the Opposing Party Regarding Personal Information in a Divorce, Custody, or Paternity Case in the Orlando, Florida Area?

What personal information of the other party can you obtain? You can obtain a lot of personal information regarding the other party depending on the circumstances. As a general rule, the court most likely will allow you to subpoena the employment records of the other party. However, Florida law c...

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What Do You Need to Know If You Are Thinking About Getting A Divorce in the Orlando, Florida Area?

If you are thinking of getting a divorce in the Orlando, Florida area, you should know that Florida is a no-fault state. That means that regardless of whose actions caused the divorce, he/she still may receive alimony. If you do not wan...

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How Does the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Acts Affect Your Orlando, Florida Divorce?

A new federal tax law was passed regarding federal income tax. It has been commonly referred to as the tax cut bill. How will it affect your Orlando, Florida Divorce Case? The new tax code will render alimony non-deductible effective Janu...

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If I Live In Orlando, Florida Area, Where Do I File A Marital and Family Law Case?

If you live in the Orlando, Florida area and you have NO MINOR CHILDREN, then you file your divorce case in the county where you last lived as a married couple. You or your spouse must have been a resident of the state of Florida for 6 months prior to fili...

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Florida Statutes Relevant to an Orlando, Florida Area Divorce

Here are the important Florida Statutes that are relevant to an Orlando, Florida Area Divorce. When you read these Florida Statutes you will better understand the criteria that the courts use when the judge makes his/her analysis and rules in your divorce ...

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What Can You Do if Someone Has Undue Influence Over Your Aging Loved One During a Divorce in Orlando, Florida?

What is Undue Influence? How do you know if someone has undue influence over a family member, or your loved one? Do you have a loved one who is a senior citizen and elderly in the middle of a Read More

What Can You Do if Your Spouse is Not Following the Parenting Plan and Divorce Decree in Orlando, Florida?

You have gotten a divorce in Orlando, FL. The court has finalized your dissolution of marriage; and the court entered a final judgment. However, your spouse is not following the final judgme...

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Protecting Yourself in Your Marital Settlement Agreement in An Orlando, Florida Divorce

How can you protect your rights in your marital settlement agreement in an Orlando, Florida divorce? There are paragraphs you can include in your marital settlement agreement to protect your rights, including your rights t...

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What Experts Can Help You with an Out of Control Spouse in an Orlando Divorce or Custody Matter?

You are going through an Orlando divorce or custody battle or the greater metropolitan Orlando area, such as Seminole County, Volusia County or Lake County. Do you have a spouse that you feel is out of control? What can you do? Who can help...

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